Shell Script Using Nested If Else Loop and Taking Inputs

This Page will make us learn : If Else Loop, Linux Shell Scripts, Unix Shell Scripts Accepting Inputs, Shell Scripts with Nested If Else loop, Unix Programming.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author : Rahul Miglani
# Date : XX/XX/XXXX
# Description : This script allows you to run Scripts depending on your choices
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# let us first take the input where in we will see if we have to run scripts in environment 1 or environment 4

echo "Please enter 1 for ENV1 and 4 for ENV4"
read option

if [ "$option" == "1" ]; then
                cd /usrdev/imagineua/ENV1/eodbatch/prd;

#if we have chosen environment 1 we have actually changed the path so that we can pick up the exact #scripts
                echo "Please enter ATD,HK or KR"
                read region
                        if [ "$region" == "ATD" ]; then
                                echo "Please enter 1 for non NB and 2 for NB"
                                read choice
                                if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NON NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.ATD-ENV1 &
                                elif [ "$choice" == "2" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.NB.ATD-ENV1 &
                                else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for 1 for Non NB and 2 for NB exiting Now..."
                        elif [ "$region" == "HK" ]; then
                                echo "Please enter 1 for non NB and 2 for NB"
                                read choice
                                if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NON NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.HK-ENV1 &
                                elif [ "$choice" == "2" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.NB.HK-ENV1 &
                                else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for 1 for Non NB and 2 for NB exiting Now..."
                        elif [ "$region" == "KR" ]; then
                                echo "Please enter 1 for non NB and 2 for NB"
                                read choice
                                if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NON NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.KR-ENV1 &
                                elif [ "$choice" == "2" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.NB.KR-ENV1 &
                                else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for 1 for Non NB and 2 for NB exiting Now..."
#This is the exit of this loop only
#This is the exit of second if else loop only
                         else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for ATD,HK or KR  ...   exiting Now..."

elif [ "$option" == "4" ]; then
                cd /usrdev/imagineua/ENV4/eodbatch/prd;
                echo "Please enter ATD,HK or KR"
                read region
                        if [ "$region" == "ATD" ]; then
                                echo "Please enter 1 for non NB and 2 for NB"
                                read choice
                                if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NON NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.ATD-ENV4 &
                                elif [ "$choice" == "2" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.NB.ATD-ENV4 &
                                else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for 1 for Non NB and 2 for NB exiting Now..."
                        elif [ "$region" == "HK" ]; then
                                echo "Please enter 1 for non NB and 2 for NB"
                                read choice
                                if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NON NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.HK-ENV4 &
                                elif [ "$choice" == "2" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.NB.HK-ENV4 &
                                else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for 1 for Non NB and 2 for NB exiting Now..."
                        elif [ "$region" == "KR" ]; then
                                echo "Please enter 1 for non NB and 2 for NB"
                                read choice
                                if [ "$choice" == "1" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NON NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.KR-ENV4 &
                                elif [ "$choice" == "2" ]; then
                                echo "you choose ENV$option , $region and NB"
                                nohup ./startEODScheduler.NB.KR-ENV4 &
                                else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for 1 for Non NB and 2 for NB exiting Now..."

#This is the exit of this loop only
                         else echo "You Have not made the correct choice for ATD,HK or KR  ...   exiting Now..."
#this is the exit of second if else loop
else echo "Exiting Now : Please Either Choose 1 for ENV1 or 4 for ENV4"
#this is the exit of first if else loop

So we See We have used 3 nested if else loop,First Loop Makes the choice of env1 and env4 which actually just changes the path.Second loop just choose the Script name Third Loops Also Chooses the Script name

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